Collection: HCV and PBV Rent Calculation

Updated for HOTMA Sections 102 and 104

This course is updated with the latest implementation guidance for HOTMA sections 102 and 104. Please contact if you have any questions.


The purpose of this training is to teach rent calculation for both the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and Project-Based Voucher (PBV) programs in one class. The seminar has been carefully structured for combination areas to be trained together. This is possible because both programs use essentially the same rules leading up to the final rent calculation.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of HCV and PBV Rent Calculation, you will understand what is included in and excluded from annual income and how to identify and calculate income from assets, recognize and apply deductions to calculate adjusted income, and calculate total tenant payment (TTP). For those who work in the HCV program, you will also calculate the family share and housing assistance payment (HAP). For those working in the PBV program, you will calculate tenant rent and HAP and understand how changes in the contract rent and utility allowance are applied.

Day One

  • Read and interpret form HUD-50058 and its accompanying instructions
  • Identify and calculate annual income using 24 CFR part 5, which is universal to all HUD programs
  • Recognize the qualifiers for the earned income disallowance (EID), identify the exclusion periods, and calculate the disallowance
  • Identify assets and calculate income from assets based on 24 CFR part 5

Day Two

  • Calculate adjusted income by correctly applying the HUD-defined allowances and expenses that are universal to both programs
  • Recognize the requirements for verification of income, allowances, and expenses which are identical for both programs
  • Calculate total tenant payment
  • Calculate the HAP and family share for an HCV family using the payment standard, utility allowance, and gross rent, or
  • Calculate HAP and tenant rent for the PBV program and understand how changes in utility allowances and contract rents are applied. 

Day Three

  • Apply rent calculation skills to solve hands-on case studies
  • Case studies can be completed for HCV (using section 12 of the 50058 form), PBV (using section 11 of the 50058 form), or both

Seminar #101-085

View the agenda for in-person classes
View the agenda for live web trainings
METHOD: A group-live seminar featuring PowerPoint, case studies, group discussion, course book, and Q&A
LENGTH: Three days
AUDIENCE: Occupancy and reexam staff and supervisors
FIELD OF STUDY: Specialized Knowledge
EXAM: The certification exam is available for $175. Select the exam during checkout or click here to view a list of certification exams available.
CREDITS: CPE units = 21, CEU units w/ exam = 1.8

Nan McKay & Associates is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN, 37219-2417. Website: In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, CPE credits have been granted based on a 50-minute hour.
CPE Sponsor ID# 101539

REGISTER: Select the seminar you'd like to attend from the list of locations and dates below to order online. Or fill out the PDF registration form and email to
By registering for and attending this training, you agree that you will not copy, share, post, or otherwise disseminate training or exam materials, including but not limited to posting on the internet, internal network, shared drive, or other publicly accessible means of access. Unauthorized distribution of NMA materials may result in the loss of your certification and/or legal action. Hotel Recommendations: Please note that these are only recommendations. We also recommend asking for the government rate when booking rooms at any hotel. Cancellations: If you are unable to attend this seminar, you may send a substitute or receive a credit toward a future seminar, to be attended within a one-year period. If you are unable to attend, you must notify NMA in writing at least 60 calendar days prior to the start date of the seminar. If you do not notify NMA in writing, you are responsible for the entire registration fee. If you cancel less than 60 days prior to the start date of this seminar, a cancellation fee of $150 will be assessed. Substitutions must be in writing on company letterhead with the seminar name, location and attendee name, and received by NMA prior to the seminar start date. NMA reserves the right to cancel a seminar at any time. If a seminar is canceled by NMA, registration fees will be refunded or credited in full. NMA is not responsible for airfare, lodging or other related expenses. Please plan ahead by purchasing refundable airfare. Retaking Exams: Exam retake options vary; call for details. You are permitted to fail an exam three times before you are required to retake the seminar. NMA reserves the right to change any policies or pricing at any time and in its sole discretion. For more information regarding refund, complaint and program cancellation policies, please contact our offices at 800.783.3100.

We don't have this session currently on the calendar but if you would like to schedule a training for your agency, please contact