Collection: RAD Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) Overview
RAD Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) Overview is designed specifically for agencies transitioning their public housing units to the project-based rental assistance program (PBRA) under the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program. This course is intended as an introduction for public housing authorities transitioning to the PBRA program as well as for anyone unfamiliar with RAD PBRA. The course begins with an overview of the basics of both RAD and PBRA and explores the differences between public housing and project-based rental assistance as well as the differences between PBRA and RAD PBRA, including income calculation and verification, form HUD-50059, leases, grievance procedures, terminations, rent calculations, the Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) system, and other multifamily computer systems.
Learning Outcomes
Day One
- Recognize the basic elements of project-based rental assistance (PBRA), including management and occupancy reviews (MORs), important documents and terminology, and necessary resources.
- Identify the different HUD systems used in multifamily housing, including Enterprise Income Verification (EIV).
- Explain the PBRA application process, PBRA waiting lists, and general eligibility requirements.
Day Two
- Calculate income for PBRA with an emphasis on differences from public housing.
- Recognize the importance of various topics concerning the leasing process, including lease requirements, house rules, move-in files, pets, and security deposits.
- Apply the requirements governing PBRA occupancy, from annual recertifications to moves and terminations.
Seminar #101-079
AGENDA: View the agenda
METHOD: A group-live seminar featuring PowerPoint, case studies, group discussion, course book, and Q&A
LENGTH: Two days
AUDIENCE: PHAs transitioning to PBRA under RAD
FIELD OF STUDY: Specialized Knowledge
EXAM: No exam
REGISTER: Select the seminar you'd like to attend from the list of locations and dates below to order online. Or fill out the PDF registration form and email to