HCV and Public Housing Products
Master Books
HCV Financial Management and Reporting Master Book
HCV Financial Management and Reporting Master Book
Financial officers at all levels of your PHA’s HCV program will appreciate the HCV Financial Management and Reporting Master Book as an easy-to-follow reference guide for successful financial management and reporting.
The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program has changed significantly since it was first implemented by HUD. Although in this program PHAs are no longer responsible for providing property management and maintenance services, it doesn’t mean this program is easier to manage. In the HCV program, PHAs play a dual role: they have to assist families in the program, while overseeing that families comply with program rules. Click here to view the table of contents.
This master book includes:
- An overview of the history of public housing legislation and characteristics and features of key programs - including HCV
- A thorough review of the annual contributions contract (ACC)
- How the HCV program is funded
- HCV accounting requirements, generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), and special accounting issues in the HCV program - such as fraud recovery, portability, Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS), SEMAP, and retroactive funding and payments
- Financial monitoring and the elimination of budget documents
- Using HUD's voucher management system (VMS) and VMS user manual excerpts
- How to establish an internal control structure
- Year-end closing procedures
- Audit requirements
- Learning activities, HUD references/relevant PIH notices, and an in-depth glossary
Do you have the most current version of this Master Book?
Below are the issue dates for the previous revisions to the HCV Financial Management and Reporting Master Book:
2020: For 2020, the HCV Financial Management and Reporting Master Book has been brought current with all recent HUD requirements and guidance, including the following:
- Changes to account for the implementation of the current year’s funding provisions as specified in Notice PIH 2020-04
- Updates concerning the most recent release of the Voucher Management System (VMS) User Manual, dated March 2020
- The addition of a new section on remittance of interest earned on restricted net position and excess HAP funds
- Updates to various references and forms, including references to PIH 2018-05, Form HUD-51999, and the Financial Data Schedule (FDS) Line Definition Guide
- Revisions concerning the different types of leased housing programs
- Other clarifications and corrections to bring the content current with HUD requirements
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0-99 | 0% |
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200+ | 63% |