HCV and Public Housing Products
Master Books
HCV Executive Management Master Book
HCV Executive Management Master Book
Managing the HCV program is a complex task. This Master Book is an excellent program management tool for every HCV program manager to help accomplish that task.
The HCV Executive Management Master Book recently received a complete overhaul for flow, format, and content. Our CD contains many references, forms, spreadsheets, and useful information that go along with the NMA HCV Executive Management Master Book. This comprehensive training and reference manual for housing choice voucher (HCV) program supervisors, program managers, and executive directors includes information on:
- Policies and policy development
- Managing the program elements
- Financial management
- Section 504 compliance and managing nondiscrimination
- Maintaining program integrity
- Organizational structure
- Managing staff, ethics, and leadership
- Quality control and planning
- Managing the family self-sufficiency (FSS) program
- Project-based vouchers
- Organizational development
- Strategic thinking and planning
The revision service is available to ensure the NMA HCV Executive Management Master Book stays up to date.
Click here to view the table of contents.
Do you have the most current version of this Master Book?
Below are the issue dates for the previous revisions to the HCV Executive Management Master Book:
For 2022, the HCV Executive Management Master Book has been brought current with all recent HUD requirements and guidance, including the following:
- Revisions for the new Carbon Monoxide (CO) detector requirements as specified in Notice PIH 2022‑01
- Revisions concerning the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program final rule, which was published in the Federal Register on May 17, 2022
- Changes to account for Notice PIH 2022-18 on eligible uses of admin fees for other expenses
- Updates to citations and notices, where required
- Updated URLs for HUD sites
- Other minor corrections and modifications to bring the content current with HUD regulations and guidance
For 2021, the HCV Executive Management Master Book has been brought current with all recent HUD requirements and guidance, including the following:
- Revisions to account for the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) interim final rule
- Additions to incorporate guidance from the March 2021 EIV FAQs
- Changes regarding the Disparate Impact final rule
- Modifications to account for Notice PIH 2020-32 on conducting remote hearings, briefings, and reexaminations
- Minor updates for Notice PIH 2020-19 on what constitutes an “assisted unit” for rent reasonableness determinations
- Other minor corrections and modifications to bring the content current with HUD regulations and guidance
You must purchase an NMA Master Book in order to subscribe to the accompanying revision service. We can initiate a revision service as long as you purchase that revision service before a new revision has been issued. After a new revision is issued, you can initiate (or reinstate) for $189 plus a $75 reinstatement fee.
Save 10% When You Order the Master Book and Revision Service Together

Quantity | Discount |
0-99 | 0% |
100-199 | 53% |
200+ | 63% |