HCV and Public Housing Products
Master Books
Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Master Book
Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Master Book
Our HCV Master Book has undergone extensive revisions relating to the Housing Opportunity for Modernization Act (HOTMA). See details below.
A clear, user-friendly format made to assist you in finding, understanding, and applying complex HUD regulations makes this one of our most widely-used reference tools. Provide your agency staff with comprehensive and uniform guidance with this incredibly easy-to-understand material. This Master Book contains the most vital information pertaining to the HCV program, including information on:
- Intake and eligibility determination
- Leasing and moves
- Owner rents and payment standards
- Rent reasonableness
- Waiting list management
- Voucher issuance
- Annual and interim re-certification
- Terminations
Together with the revision service, this fully outlined and referenced text provides complete information on HUD regulations, notices, and industry practices.
Click here to view the table of contents.
Do you have the most current version of this Master Book?
This December 2024 edition of the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Master Book has been completely updated for the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA), incorporating all required changes for HOTMA 102/104, in addition to:
- Changes necessitated by the HOTMA implementation guidance set forth in Notices PIH 2023-27 and 2024-38.
- Multiple sweeping changes for the HOTMA Voucher Final Rule, including but not limited to payment standards changes and revisions concerning Project-Based Vouchers (PBV).
- Changes incorporating all guidance regarding the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) and its relationship to the term housing quality standards.
- Updates to account for inflationary adjustments.
- A new Special Purpose Voucher chapter, which includes information on the Family Unification Program (FUP), the Foster Youth to Independence Initiative (FYI), Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH), Mainstream, Non-Elderly Disabled (NED) vouchers, and the Stability Voucher (SV) program.
- Other clarifications and modifications to reflect industry best practices, and to ensure that the content is user-friendly, current, and in line with all recent HUD regulations and guidance.
Stay up-to-date on HOTMA at our HOTMA information page.
For 2022, the Housing Choice Voucher Master Book has been brought current with all recent HUD requirements and guidance, including the following:
- Revisions for the new Carbon Monoxide (CO) detector requirements as specified in Notice PIH 2022-01
- Revisions concerning the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program final rule, which was published in the Federal Register on May 17, 2022
- Clarification regarding the use of the utility allowance schedule
- Updates to citations and notices, where required
- Other clarifications and modifications to make sure the content is user-friendly, current, and in compliance with all HUD regulations and guidance
For 2021, the Housing Choice Voucher Master Book has been brought current with all recent HUD requirements and guidance, including the following:
- A minor change to account for the regulatory wording in the FAST Act final rule
- Updates on what constitutes an assisted unit for rent reasonableness determinations per Notice PIH 2020-19
- Revisions regarding conducting remote informal hearings and briefings as specified in Notice PIH 2020-32
- Modifications to reflect Executive Order 13988 concerning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity
- Updates to the CFR references to account for the Section 3 final rule and the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) interim final rule
- Other minor corrections and modifications to bring the content current with HUD regulations and guidance
You must purchase a NMA Master Book in order to subscribe to the accompanying revision services. Click here to view the NMA Calendar of Revision Services. We can initiate a revision service as long as you purchase that revision service before a new revision has been issued. After a new revision is issued, you can initiate (or reinstate) for $189 plus a $75 reinstatement fee.
Save 10% When You Order the Master Book and Revision Service Together

Quantity | Discount |
0-99 | 0% |
100-199 | 53% |
200+ | 63% |