HCV and Public Housing Products
Master Books
Public Housing Master Book
Public Housing Master Book
The Public Housing Master Book is a comprehensive reference manual that consolidates HUD regulations, notices, guidebooks, handbooks, Webcasts, and industry practices into one convenient source.
This master book is an indispensable reference tool for all PHA staff and laid out in an easy-to-follow format that assists staff understand and apply complex HUD regulations and requirements. This master book includes:
- An overview of the public housing program
- Eligibility determination and occupancy standards
- Waiting list management
- Intake and tenant selection and suitability
- Determining income, assets, and allowances
- Total tenant payments (TTP) and rent calculations, including earned income disallowance (EID)
- The leasing process
- Annual and interim examinations
- Terminations
- Pets and service animals in public housing
- Forms including form HUD-50058
- HUD regulations, notices, and memos
Together with the annual revision service, this master book provides complete and current information on the public housing program as laws, regulations, and guidance continue to change.
Click here to view the table of contents.
Do you have the most current version of this Master Book?
Below are the issue dates for the previous revisions to the Public Housing (PH) Master Book. Click to see revision info.
For 2022, the Public Housing Master Book has been brought current with all recent HUD requirements and guidance, including the following:
- Revisions concerning installation of carbon monoxide alarms in accordance with Notice PIH 2022-01
- Updates for the final rule Streamlining and Implementation of Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act Changes to Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Program, published in the Federal Register May 17, 2022
- Changes for Notice PIH 2022-33, which provided updated guidance on flat rents
- Other clarifications and modifications to ensure that the content is user-friendly, current, and in compliance with all HUD regulations and guidance
For 2021, the Public Housing Master Book has been brought current with all recent HUD requirements and guidance, including the following:
- Revisions regarding conducting remote informal hearings, as per the requirements specified in Notice PIH 2020-32.
- Modifications for the updated dust-lead post-abatement clearance levels set forth in the EPA final rule published January 7, 2021.
- Changes to reflect Executive Order 13988, which covered discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
- Revisions pertaining to the final rule issued July 31, 2021, that restored affirmatively furthering fair housing definitions and certifications.
- Changes to account for the updates to flat rent submission requirements as set forth in Notice PIH 2021-27.
- Changes for Notice PIH 2021-29, which provided updated guidance on notification of termination for nonpayment of rent.
- Other clarifications and modifications to ensure that the content is user-friendly, current, and in compliance with all HUD regulations and guidance.
For 2020, the Public Housing Master Book has been brought current with all recent HUD requirements and guidance, including the following:
- Deletions to account for Notice PIH 2019-26, which rescinded Notice PIH 2011-33 on the use of work preferences
- Extensive revisions on the use of assistance animals in public housing as detailed in Notice FHEO 2020-01
- Changes to reflect the expiration of the “old” method of calculating the Earned Income Disallowance for individuals who qualified prior to May 9, 2016
- Modifications for the FAST Act final rule, which offered clarifications regarding non-fixed income when 90 percent of a family’s income is from fixed sources
- Revisions pertaining to the final rule issued August 7, 2020, repealing and revising the interpretation of what it means to affirmatively further fair housing
- Other clarifications and modifications to ensure that the content is user-friendly, current, and in compliance with all HUD regulations and guidance
You must purchase a NMA Master Book in order to subscribe to the accompanying revision service. We can initiate a revision service as long as you purchase that revision service before a new revision has been issued. After a new revision is issued, you can initiate (or reinstate) for $189 plus a $75 reinstatement fee.
Save 10% When You Order the Master Book and Revision Service Together

Quantity | Discount |
0-99 | 0% |
100-199 | 53% |
200+ | 63% |