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Policies, Plans, and Guides
Model FSS Action Plan
Model FSS Action Plan
Following the nationally acclaimed tradition of NMA's Model Administrative Plan and Model ACOP, the fully revised Model FSS Plan gives your agency a solid foundation for policy-making decisions in compliance with the requirements of the new final rule.
Plus: Don't forget to purchase our revision service for the Model FSS Action Plan! We anticipate further revisions to FSS regulations, and subscribing ensures your policy changes when HUD issues new guidance.
Click here to view the title page and Table of Contents.
Recent Revision History
For 2025, the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Action Plan has been brought current with all recent regulatory updates, including:
- Corrected and clarified language regarding the determination of baseline earned income and baseline monthly income for the purpose of calculating escrow
- Other minor revisions and clarifications to ensure compliance
For 2024, the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Action Plan has been has been brought current with all recent regulatory updates, including corrections and updates to account for:
- Revisions to account for the HOTMA implementation guidance set forth in Notice PIH 2023-27
- Additional clarifications for the final rule, “Streamlining and Implementation of Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act Changes to Family Self-Sufficiency Program,” which completely revised FSS regulatory requirements
- Updates to include expanded housing programs served by the FSS program
- Clarifications to align with the HUD FAQ on FSS Final Rule Implementation
- Updates to better align with HUD FSS policy requirements
- Other minor revisions and clarifications to ensure compliance
For 2023, the Model Administrative Plan has undergone extensive revisions throughout to account for Housing Opportunity for Modernization Act (HOTMA), including changes for the Final Rule issued February 14, 2023, Notice PIH 2023-27, and other sources of HUD guidance on HOTMA. In addition to these sweeping changes, the 2023 Model Plan includes:
- VAWA clarifications to better align with current guidelines such as the implementation Guidance for VAWA 2022 published in the Federal Register on January 4, 2023
- Addition of a new section on Discrimination Complaints, which includes guidance from Notice FHEO 2023-01
- Revisions regarding the Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Initiative per Notice PIH 2023-04
- Updates to account for the Federal Register notice issued March 3, 2023, on subsidy layering requirements
- Clarifications on disparate impact and discriminatory effects per the final rule dated March 31, 2023
- Updates to account for the most recent Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) notice, PIH 2023-19
- The addition of a new section on Stability Vouchers in the Special Housing Types chapter
- Other clarifications and modifications to reflect industry best practices, and to ensure that the content is user-friendly, current, and in compliance with all recent HUD regulations and guidance
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Quantity | Discount |
0-99 | 0% |
100-199 | 53% |
200+ | 63% |